Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's All AbOuT Me~!~

Hi everyone! I am Jasmine Marshall. I was born here in Mobile but was raised in a small rural area in Clarke County called Chance, Al. I was born the youngest of my siblings. I come from a close knit family. As a pastor, my father instilled in me the traits of being a God-fearing responsible young lady. I transferred to South in fall of 2008 from Alabama Southern Community College to further pursue my education. I am a junior who was forced to change my major from collaborative special education 6-12 to elementary/special education. I pray that I still get the chance to work with secondary special need students. That it where my passion lies.
As weird as it may sound I LoVe to READ! I could sit and read a great book twelve hours out of the day. I also love to shop and be among the presence of friends. I am interested in learning new theories and procedures in this class. I look forward to meeting everyone again at our next mandatory class meeting. Let us all have a joyous semester~!~

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