Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blog Post 5

The benefits of podcasts in the classroom video was very informative. It tells that humans born after 1980 is more involved with technology. Technology is a new way of producing one's creativity. Podcasts is a great way that teachers enhance students learning without the students actually being in the classroom.
Judy Scharf's podcast collection site is also great. It consists of many links which inform one on how to use podcasts. After one visit this site and go through the links they will know what a podcast is, how to create one, and the importance of using a podcast.
The education podcast network is a useful site for all educators. It is a site that educators come together to share their insights on the particular subjects that they teach with the use of podcasts. It provides educators podcast programming that will help another educator increase their knowledge on a subject so that they can be better teachers to their students.

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